I'm Here For You...

Diane Spicer: A Life Unmasked
A native New Yorker, now Aussie, Diane has had a remarkable life-journey from the streets of Queens to corporate corridors to the heart of maximum-security prisons, advocating for the forgotten. A tapestry of resilience, Diane transitioned from Director of a multi-million-dollar toy company (yep, she was a Barbie girl!), to Director of Recovery Ministries, CEO of Prison Network, and now, Author, Coach, and Speaker.
A Journey of Redemption:
Childhood trauma, addiction and destructive behaviors fueled a deep darkness behind the ‘everything’s-fine-I’m-a-superhero mask’ Diane learned to wear so well. However, a remarkable turn of events changed everything!
Versatile Leadership:
Diane now runs a Life Coaching business, serving as an Executive Coach with Halftime Australia, mentor for the City of Geelong Chamber of Commerce, and leading & coaching Women@Halftime Australian Communities. Her 1:1 and group coaching roundtables empower and activate believers globally to live authentic unmasked Kingdom lives.
Inspiring Transformation:
The hardships and failures she overcame in her own life give her unique insight and wisdom that can help anyone breakthrough and become all they were created to be. Diane is driven to speak and write about her stories which resonate globally. Because she is foremost a passionate lover of Life and people, her remarkable stories have been heard on radio internationally, as a presenter on GOD TV, in churches, schools, community centres, prisons, and government offices.
Community Impact:
Diane is ‘all about’ community! In New York, she pioneered a chain of community support groups, training pastors and leaders to provide care for adults overcoming addictions, abuse, domestic violence and other hurts, habits and hang-ups. In Australia, for a decade, she devoted herself to building leaders and teams, developing, and delivering life-skill programs in Juvenile and Maximum-Security Correctional Centres and prisons. Lives In Transition, a course she helped pioneer, significantly reduced recidivism rates. She also is contracted to initiate and provide oversight for installation of GOD TV into prison cells throughout Australia (12,000 prison cells now have access!)—all a testament to her commitment to creating positive change in the lives of others.
Diane uses her creative gift to lead organizations, speak to audiences, facilitate workshops, and pioneer small home group communities where people have been inspired, encouraged, and challenged to break through their own limitations and use their creativity in restoration processes to ultimately impact the world around them.
Diane believes any community can be transformed by networking businesses, the not-for-profit sector, local churches, and community services, with committed volunteers. She would love to see the local Church restored as the primary care giver in every community as people come to understand how God views them and live out of that identity. She empowers people to unmask and become all they were created to be.
Diane recently published her autobiography, 'UNMASKED: A Remarkable True Story of Transformation and Redemption,' sharing her inspiring spiritual journey.
In her spare time, she is having fun, sharing good food around a big table with family and friends, or is quietly doing something creative; painting, photography, playing guitar -- all in awe and extremely grateful for her Lord and Saviour, Jesus!
"It wasn’t until I learned a few secret keys and practices that my heart was unmasked and I was set free to be... me.", Diane says.
"My Coaching and Mentoring exists for YOU! It's about sharing my years of wisdom, lived-experience and passion to help YOU breakthrough mindsets and circumstances that keep you from thriving and being who you were created to be."
Diane Spicer offers you:
Unmasked (more than a) Women's Conference
Body, Soul & Spirit Roundtable Mentoring
Personalised One-to-One Mentoring
Executive Coaching (Halftime Australia)
Personalised One-to-One Life Coaching
​UnMasked; A remarkable true story of transformation & redemption
The Whole Sex Talk (DVD series)
The Biblical Feasts - Passover How-To Guide & Seder Haggadah
(coming in 2024!)
Speaking Events
Community Workshops​
Radio Interview & Podcast Guest Speaker
Key-Note Speaker
Live webcasts and webinars​​ (coming soon!)
Mask-Making Workshop
Social Art
Prophetic Painting workshops